Today's Cross-Channel Vraxxism
Cloud: i dun like the stiff ones..
Sometimes, things just make you go hm....
Cloud is actually a nice guy, leave it to Vraxxisms Live to make him seem.. um... strange.
A blog extending Discussions include gaming, photography, Linux, software/hardware
Cloud: i dun like the stiff ones..
Honolulu Advertiser Article
Thought I'd chime in here as someone who has had to pay full sticker for Adobe products.
Audiophiles will no doubt agree with the title of this article but that isn't the thrust of this blog-post. I recently purchased a few hardcover books and in speaking with the sales clerk realized just how few hardcovers are sold these days. While I may work in a digital world I feel there are certain instances where a solid, well bound book still dominates.
Let it never be said that I don't have any Christmas Spirit
I admit, I am a workaholic. But sometimes even I can't tempt the hand of fate.