Tuesday, December 25, 2007

And people wonder why US folks don't want these jobs


Now far be it for me to begrudge India for their outsourcing but I've got news for you. US laborers faced similar issues with health, work/life balance and everything else mentioned in TFA. I just find it amusing that they're only NOW realizing it's impact on their own workforce.

Let's face it support centers are one of the weirdest jobs out there, you're expected to know everything, solve a problem remotely and above all do so with a chipper attitude and in a completely professional manner. In the US the quality of these centers often went to pot simply because nobody wanted such a raw deal job. Now that the economy is worse we bitch about not having the option. Hopefully Indian call centers will be used as "part" of the support infrastructure and now the entire infrastructure.

I'll close by commenting, yes I have worked a support hotline as one of my first jobs in the IT industry and while it was a grueling start I think it also helped me develop into the analyst I am today.



At 4:18 AM, Blogger Herman said...

Hopefully a good analyst at that... anyway, it's been a while. Glad to see everything's going well, man. Have a good 2008.

Herman G.
MoHS c/o '96
(yeah, I know... I keep popping up every now and then...)


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