Monday, February 11, 2008

Epic Fail: Vraxx + Sick = Fail

OK so I confess that at times I am a workaholic. Not because I love work, but I hate trying to scramble to fix things later. That and I don't find myself particularly efficient. So Friday was miserable, body aches, previous day had been 15 hours long, I was supposed to be on sick leave but I remembered that I promised a coworker we'd do some triage testing in the lab. So off I went figuring "Ha I'm tough enough"... Bad, bad, bad idea. The weekend was mostly OK, I did chores, I read, but I realized I was still feeling woozy and food was not my friend.

So here it is Monday, I no longer have a fever but I'm coughing up my spleen... and what do I do? I STILL try to do work. Logged into a system with documentation opened up to try to configure something. After a bit of of frustration I realize why it's not working. I just spent 2 minutes trying to click the buttons on a screenshot... with that ladies and gents, I am not going to be doing anymore work today...


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