ESR Leaves Fedora for Ubuntu, MP3 scare and Vraxx sleeps
On the OSS front, long time RedHat fan Eric S Raymond announced over the Fedora distribution list that he was leaving the Fedora community and RH in favor of Ubuntu.
I can certainly understand his frustrations but at the same time I do feel some of his arguments towards a desktop Linux architecture aren't always on the mark. Case in point his issue with MP3 support.
Consider that MS itself just lost in their case against Alcatel-Lucent in a patent ruling to the tune of $1.5B, yep that's a B folks.
Considering how messy the patent system is in the US I don't really blame a company like RedHat or Novell for wanting to avoid directly going into the support for these formats. With pockets that aren't as deep as MS and in an attempt to not
Now I too have been a fan of RedHat for a fairly long while, but I've also never had to deploy Linux for an enterprise so admittedly I'm more a general user. It works for what I do, that's not always going to be the case for other users. That's just the way software is. Granted the differences in package management systems and support process are going to vary from distribution to distribution but in the end no one is pointing a gun to your head saying you must stay with vendor A, B or C.
While its unfortunate that RH/Fedora has lost a proponent I don't think it necessarily means a death sentence. I agree however that RH needs to become more responsive and hopefully allow the community to make more of a meaningful and bidirectional contribution to the Fedora code base. We'll just have to see if this extra attention gets RH to move a little.
Oh and yeah sleep :) My fever is finally coming down.