Came to my attention these days just how adversarial people can get. Let me state for the record that I consider myself a fairly reasonable guy. I like the software I use, I enjoy the photo gear I use, doesn't always matter if its not "The Best" it suits my needs and my style.
Case in point. I am almost OS neutral at this point. I run Windows for the most part, but I also run OS X and Linux (though sadly my Linux work seems to be relegated to VMWare lately). I recognize that none of them is perfect, none of them is ever 100% secure, but I don't go around acting like a zealot. I might rib one camp now and then, but I view them as all being parts and tools that can be used when the time is right.
If you thought the Linux vs. Windows debate was ugly though you should see Camera forums. I myself started out using Minolta SLR's then rented Nikon's (F4 and N90 bodies). When it came time to go digital however I found the Nikon D100 wasn't quite my style. The ergonomics felt odd and the construction gave me this overly plastic feel. In came a switch to Canon. Though not without its quirks I've come to enjoy the lens options available and the overall software integration. With the possibility of going from my 10D to an EOS 30D this summer I took a look at the Nikon D200. Specifications wise it's a great camera and actually beats out the 30D in a number of areas. Though it also has its detractors. I think what a lot of folks forget is that a photographer defines how good the shot is, more than the camera itself.
So here's my stance, you don't agree with me you're welcome to retort, but jeeze keep it civil.