Monday, October 16, 2006

Shake, rattle, roll -- Quake Afterthoughts

Well a magnitude 6.6 earthquake is nothing trivial, but I am glad to report that very little damage occurred here on Oahu. Kona was hit pretty bad and I'm hoping that some of my friends are AOK. Going through a natural disaster, if even only for a few hours (thankfully) is unnerving. For me the most unsettling thing was just how reliant we are on power from a single power grid (Hawaiian Electric). Utilities are definitely something we all take for granted. From power for your gadgets, running water to drink and for sanitation.

Given how the islands are isolated, I was a little concerned that if the quake was serious riots and looting would begin. Thankfully however the impact to our island was minimal and other than a few pissed off residents and tourists, there were no signs of out and out violence. Reminder to anyone living in a quake zone, or other disaster, get your survival gear in place and have a plan. Best wishes, be safe.


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