The Sony Bad Press Machine
Let's face it, Sony has as of late been in people's crosshairs for good reason. A PS3 which is horribly priced, and looks to have cooling issues. Batteries that darn outright assplode and a tendancy to name things and create propriatary standards that nobody likes.
I understand where Sony is going, everybody out there is trying to do things cheaper, faster, with lower turn around to market. The problem is the 2% margin you gain in one area just doesn't make up for the loss in market share when you bend your customer over and do'em dry. (MS are you listening to this?)
While I really do look forward to the Sony PS3, I realize I'm anxious not for the hardware per say, but for hopefully a good body of titles that'll be written for it. Sure there's the Wii, there's the 360 but for the type of games I enjoy the PS3 seems to be the better front runner. Sony needs to get on the ball and realize that consumers will, can and have backlashed. Oh well, even I am in the minority of PS3 owners I'll still hold out a bit of hope.
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