Monday, August 28, 2006

Online Identity and Vanity

Now I'll admit when you consider just how vast the Internet is, I think a lot of people (yours truly included) love the idea that with a single net-presence you can become known by a dizzying array of people.

While the idea is great if you're the attention seeking type, it does lead to some pretty unusual behavior. MySpace is perhaps the most widely known example of how the blog craze has brought some of humanity's less than admirable traits to the forefront. isn't a bad thing in and of itself, very few things ever are if you ask me, but what happens when you put a friends counter onto a blog? Suddenly everything is about how many friends you have. When did friendship become the Pokemon of the blogsphere? Are we so obsessed with quantity that it doesn't matter how well you know someone in so long as they can be counted as +1 to your list?

I actually view myself as being a fair unsociable person but when I do choose to add someone as a friend, and allow that list to be viewed I'd like to think that there's at least _something_ good about the person. While certainly I think it's great that so many people are beginning to 'connect' this way I'm still a little more pragmatic, I don't care if I have 1 friend or 1 billion friends, to me its how well I know that friend and the kind of person I know/feel them to be.

OK promise funnier stuff soon... REAL soon. I think.


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