Friday, November 18, 2005

Addiction thy name is Nintendo

Now there are times where I feel like saying "I told you so" and this is one of them. So Volcom over at at first claimed to have left gaming. Yet here he is now, happily playing with a WiFi enabled Nintendo DS with Mario Kart.

Let's face it, gaming is a hard drug to put down and the Nintendo DS proves why. If you build a product that's easy to use, has a good core of games and is competitively priced you will garner an audience. Perhaps the one downside for those of us in the older gamer crowd though is that the DS does feel like it's built for the Pokemon generation.

So while Vol plays Mario Kart, I will be playing Advanced Wars DS and hopefully SOCOM for the PSP. I'll also be attending the Gamers Anonymous meeting on Saturday, feel free to join... bring pie.


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