Tuesday, May 03, 2005

OMFG, Sunflowers Are In Danger!

CNN.com - 'Big trouble' for sunflower growers - May 3, 2005

Oh my GOD!! Sunflowers are in danger of losing federal funding! What will we do without this treasured snack item! Yes, let us all forget the fact that across the globe people are dying of starvation, but never mind the huddled masses, we're short on sunflower seeds damnit! It's definitely a slow news day when stuff like this makes headlines for the Science and Space section of CNN.

I'll admit the American media tends to lose its journalist integrity when something like this is front page material. I mean granted that earth shattering news in every field of human studies doesn't happen every day but you'd think a journalist would be able to investigate something or expand on something other than sunflower funding...


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