Monday, May 02, 2005

Attack Of The (i)Pod People

So after having waited four generations I finally broke down and bought an iPod. In my case the 30 Gig iPod Photo. It made sense finally for me to buy something with that much capacity. Longer work schedule, the fact that I will be on vacation in a few months, and it works with iPhoto so I can carry around a small photo album from my vacation. There are drawbacks however.

Perhaps it's a cultural thing, maybe it's just the novelty of the iPod and its cult following, but once you own one, you feel compelled to ask others if they do too. Once you find those people (I'm going to call us 'pod people') you immediately need to know which model and what they've done with it. It's scary yet interesting cultural quirk I've discovered. Hopefully I don't become too much of a pod person.


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