It's official... Size Matters
Well now before you say "But Vraxx, you're HUGE!" I'm talking about memory capacity. With a little help from the Rebate-fairy I opted to pickup a nice 8GB CF card for my EOS 30D (this also means I can retire one of my 4GB Micros to my 10D). The main reason I made the switch however was to shoot more in RAW. I've been itching to really do the majority of my work shooting RAW+JPG but on freeform and action shoots it's just too cumbersome to remember to swap out your cards. Granted, nothing like the days of shooting 35mm with a frigging bandoleer of the things across your chest. Trust me there were days I felt pretty much like a Western cliche with those things, "Press badges?! We don need no stinken badges!"
The 8GB SanDisk Extreme III will get its first formal test during tomorrows (3/17) lab shoot for the Kawaii Kon 2007 Photography Panel. I have to thank Zarli and Ken for coordinating w/the cosplayers and setting up time/place. Lord knows I haven't had time to do much planning this month. In RAW only shot configuration my EOS 30 estimates around 800 frames at ISO 400. In RAW+JPG I'm looking at most likely 500 frames. This go around since I don't expect to be doing a lot of burst, I'll probably shoot RAW+JPG to make extraction quicker and so that I can post a general web-gallery (before the Kon) while using the RAWs for actual post-processing and blow-ups.
I'll be updating this particular blog posting once the shoot is concluded.
UPDATE: I'm grateful the shoot went well and my 8GB CF card did not disappoint. Shooting in RAW+JPG the card was about half full and managed to take 430 shots (ok technically 860 files). Now of course there's the not-always fun task of parsing through all of them and picking the good ones...
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