Afterthoughts: Cosplay Photoshoot 7-15-06
Whew so it's been two days and I can truthfully say that the shoot was a blast. Though it did remind me of two key things.
1) Man I am SO out of shape (Round is a shape...) Thighs, knees and shoulders feel like hell
2) Sunscreen needs to be reapplied in rainy weather and when sweating
Sunday came around and I realized just how much of a slight burn I had. Safety first people, we may live on an island but that doesn't mean solar radiation doesn't hit paradise.
I didn't really get a chance to compliment the cosplayers, but everyone looked great. It's always more fun to photograph folks when they're doing something they are really enthusiastic about and this was no exception. Since I'm a relative newcomer to Kawaii-kon as a whole, I think next time I'm bringing a name tag (hm will work well with my vest, yeah for press-pass pockets). If anyone is interested in trying dSLR at the next shoot, give me a hollor. I keep a 10D on standby in case something goes wrong with my main.
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