Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Blogging Versus Journalism

There's something which has been gnawing at me for quite a while. ZDNet has folks that post blogs in sort of an editorial fashion. However unlike conventional print media the results are often that the blogger himself will be inundated with responses both positive and negative. Here's where we get to my sticking point.

When I read ZDNet's bloggers like George Ou, I pretty much throw out the idea that this is an edited piece. It's his opinions and his assessment of something. Do I consider it journalism? Not entirely and here's why. I tend to view journalism as having slightly more structure and often 'oversight' from someone (editor, publisher etc). A blog is just an open forum. Like BBS's and Usenet before it, Blogs these days seem to teem alive with flame and anger. I have to remind myself of this when you see the replies by both the blogger and the blog readers. I'd like to think the IT community is composed of literate, thinking human beings. Let's face it, that's a lie. Most folks that post back to those types of blogs are biased in one fashion or another or just want to see their name in print.

Now I'm not saying I haven't been taken aback by some of the ZD blogs, but at the same time I treat it for what it is, opinions. Everybody is entitled to them. Nobody's forcing you to read them. Much in the same way that I view my blog as my personal journal of odd-ball thoughts and opinions. You're entitled to comment, but I'm not about to hold back any jabs in my replies since this isn't journalism.


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